Wednesday, June 30, 2021

National Examination make Controversy


National Examination make Controversy

National Examination or UN in Indonesia is standart evaluation system who give from minister of education. Every years who sitting on 6th grade on primary school, 9th on junior high school and 12th grade on senior high school must do it to passing the graduation. In elementary school, the subject will be test are Indonesian, Math, and science. In junior high school there are Indonesian, Math, Science and English. And the senior high school are Indonesian, Math, English, Chemistry, and Physics for IPA students.

National examination is use to measure the competence of the students in the end of their study. National examination can be standart evaluation of the quality education’s in Indonesia. Because of national examination, it can make student have strategy and energy for study to get high score. And because of national examination many students pray more diligent. And then, with national examination we can know the quality of the student, who is high who is in the middle and who is lower. So, with it the school improve / change the study program.

But, on the other hand many people disagree with national examination. National examination does not appreciate the process of studying. In fact, many student high quality can be low in national examination.  Many student afraid with national examination. They afraid if they get bad score on national examination. National examination is only score oriented. Because of it, there are student be dishonest do the national examination. Many student cheat with buy answer keys. Look at there, national examination can waste the money. In some cases, the teacher also give the answer keys for the students. They do national examination to pass the national examination well. Because of the answer keys they can pas the examination. I think it is not fair especially for the clever students. The clever students can get score worse than low students who do the examination with answer keys.

Many people do not agree on the implementation of national examinations. Because only a few days our fate will be determined. it's not worth the hard work we are to do schoolwork for 3 years. and also education in Indonesia is still not evenly distributed through the country. therefore I do not agree when national exams were held. The national examination only makes students panic, fear, and depression.

I have recommendation that the national examination is better not be held. The National Examination is not the best solution to measure success of educational system in Indonesia. The National Examination makes young generations become dishonest and not fair.



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