Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Novel Analysis



Once upon a time, there was a fisherman named Kino lived in the hut near the beach in La Paz with Juana, his wife and Coyotito, his daughter.They lived peacefully and happily until one day, they got a disaster.Coyotito was stung by scorpion.Juana tried to sucked the poison out from Coyotito's body while Kino killed the scorpion.Coyotito cried and it made the neigbors came to them.Juana wanted to take Coyotito to the doctor but the neigbors even Kino rejected it.However, they went to the doctor in the city.


When the doctor saw Kino and all the villagers, he didn't like their poor looks.So, he asked his servant to expell them.When Kino got that situation, he became very angry but he couldn't do anything. So, they went home to the village.In the morning, Kino and Juana also with Coyotito came down to the beach with his canoe.When they reached the middle of the ocean, Kino dove to seek the oysrters.He found it and he also found a big and beautiful pearl which had never seen.So, Kino called the villagers to help them.


The news of the pearl travels fast through the village.The priest and the doctor also heard it too.They wondered if the can get the benefit from it.The shopkeepers wanted to sell Kino their old clothes.The beggars hoped that Kino would be generous to them.Kino also made many plans in the future for him and also for his family.The priests visited them and reminded them of their duty to the church.The doctor also visited them.Kino was very angry but the doctor persuaded him and then Kino let him cured Coyotito.At nigth, Kino heard noises in his hut.He grabbed his knife and went out.He fought with strange people and then that strange people escaped.Juana told to Kino that the pearl was evil thing but Kino didn't listen her words.


In La Paz, everyone knew that Kino was going to sell the pearl in the morning.Before they went to the seller, Juan Thoams warned Kino to be careful.And then the villagers followed Kino again to the city.When they arrived, the pearl seller didn't want to buy Kino's pearl.They wanted to buy it if the price was cheap.Kino rejected it.So, they went home.That night, Kino heard sounds again and then he fought again with strange people.Once again, Juana told to him that the pearl was evil.He should throw it away.Kino was stubborn and he refused to listen to her.


In the morning, Kino found Juana would throw the pearl away.Kino began to feel very angry and then he chased Juana.Kino hit Juana in her face.Then, they returned.While walking back from the beach, Kino was attacked again and Kino killed the strange people.Juana and Kino went back again but they found Kino's canoe destroyed and his house on fire.They went to Juan Thomas house.They left the neighbors with impression that they have died in the fire.


Kino and Juana traveled northwards, Kino felt excited. As they walked, they kept covering their tracks so that no one would follow them.When they stop to rest, Juana didn't sleep. Suddenly, they heard noises. Kino got up to investigate. He noticed 3 trackers.

Kino and Juana run into the mountains. Kino asked Juana to keep Coyotito quiet. All of them hide in a cave. Jowever Kino found that the trackers were there. Kino went there to fight with them. The trackers heard Coyotito cried. They prepared to shoot it. Kino pounced on them. He grabed one of the tracker’s rifle and shot. He stabed other trackers with his knife. The third tracker escaped to the cliff towards the cave. Kino shot him but Kino missed it and Coyotito had been shot.


Kino and Juana went back to La Paz. Kino carried a gun while Juana brought the dead body of Coyotito. The villagers just watched them silently. Kino and Juana walked directly to the sea. When they reached the shore, Kino remembered the dead body of Coyotito . Kino threw the pearl away with all his sadness.


1. Kino (dynamic)

2. Juana (dynamic)

3. Coyotito (flat)

4. Neighbors (static)

5. Doctor (dynamic)

6. Doctor's servant (stock)

7. Juan Thomas (protagonist)

8. The priests (dynamic)

9. The thieves (antagonist)


1. Kino is kind person who love his family but he can't control his emotion.In the first he was so greatful because he had a lovely family.But his family had some accident so he tried hard until he found a big pearl.Because of the pearl, he could not control his emotion and he sacrificed his family (his daughter)

2. Juana is a woman who loved her family and she is obedient to her husband's orders

3. Coyotito is a cute and innocent daughter of Kino and Juana.In the first, she  was always cheerful until she suffered scorpion sting.

4. Neighbors are people who are faithful and care to the situation. When Kino's family got the disaster, they were there to help and accompany Kino and his family.

5. Doctor is an arrogant person and promiscuous in helping people.When Kino came to him, he declined Kino directly by watched Kino's wealth.

6. Doctor's servant is a obedient person because he was obedient to his master's orders (the doctor)

7. Juan Thomas is a kind person and caring person because when Kino got the disasters, he was tryig to help him even his advices was not listened

8. The priests are a promiscuous person because  they would not baptize people who are poor

9. The thieves are a mean people.They would try to steal the pearl from Kino and they killed Coyotito (Kino's daughter)



Kino got a big and beautiful pearl and then he became famous.Because of that, everyone respected him and his family.Kino thought that the pearl could bring happiness to his family.However, his life and his family changed.they always hunted by strange people who want to steal the pearl.Because of that, Kino became a little crazy until finally Coyotito, his daughter died.


Wealth or property can not buy or replace the happiness


we should be grateful for what we got and we get like the happiness of the family and the people around us


1. She looked up at him, her eyes as cold as the eyes of a lioness (simile)

[page 4, paragraph 4, first line]

2. The world was awake now (personification)

[page 2, paragraph 5, ninth line]

3. A copper haze hung over the water, and the hot morning sun beat on

it and made it vibrate blindingly (hyperbole)

[page 8, paragraph 1, last line]

4. It was as large as a sea-gull's egg (simile)

[page 10, paragraph 4, last line]

5. And beware of the tree that bleeds (personification)

[page 37, paragraph 4, second line]

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